Source: New Zealand Government
- Five Auckland suburbs to get improved infrastructure to boost supply of new housing, and support existing homes
- Up to 16,000 new homes enabled on crown-owned land including public, affordable and market homes
- Capacity created for an extra 11,000 homes on surrounding privately owned land.
- Projects include water main renewal, sewage and storm water system upgrades, flood protection, footpath and road improvements and site decontamination.
The Government is funding further infrastructure for five Auckland suburbs undergoing regeneration to support new and existing housing for New Zealanders and their families, Housing Minister Dr Megan Woods has announced.
Around 400 urban renewal projects in Mt Roskill, Mangere, Tāmaki, Oranga and Northcote will receive funding from the Government’s $3.8 billion Housing Acceleration Fund (HAF) to unlock more housing.
“For too many decades there has been too little investment in infrastructure like pipes and roads that allow new housing to be built. Getting land build-ready by funding infrastructure is a key way to fix the housing crisis we inherited after decades of inaction,” Megan Woods said.
“The Large Scale Projects (LSPs) underway in these suburbs are a first of their kind in New Zealand, replacing aged public housing that has reached the end of its life, and creating opportunities for new public, market and affordable housing to be built.
“This $1.4 billion of HAF funding will develop build-ready land to enable up to 16,000 homes in the suburbs over the next five to sixteen years.
“This work will allow for the replacement of around 4,000 Kāinga Ora homes past their use-by date, 2,000 additional Kāinga Ora homes, as well as 10,000 additional affordable and market homes to be built and available for purchase.
“It’s also estimated the infrastructure work will unlock potential for a further 11,000 new homes on surrounding privately owned land in these suburbs.
“Revitalising these suburbs through this investment has so many benefits; creating capacity for new homes, employment opportunities, improved water assets and a lot of potential for emissions reduction with the suburbs already being well served by public transport options.
“The housing crisis was decades in the making, and we are turning it around through housing policy reforms, and the largest Government investment since the 1970’s to get a lot more new housing built.
“Auckland has an estimated housing shortage of more than 25,000 homes. This work will enable quality housing to be built where it is needed most. Together with Auckland City we identified these are places where more growth is wanted, with Auckland City also contributing to the cost of these works,” Megan Woods said.
Specific work programmes enabled by the funding are as follows:
- The Mt Roskill site preparation work includes land decontamination and an upgrade of water infrastructure and addressing flooding issues on 62.8 hectares to enable approximately 5,400 homes.
- The Tāmaki site includes decontamination work, transport, and water and storm water upgrades across 90ha ready for around 4,400 homes.
- Mangere work includes decontamination works and water and storm water upgrades across 68ha for around 3,800 homes.
- Northcote upgrades across 8.2ha will create build-ready land for around 1,200 homes.
- Oranga infrastructure work across 15.6ha includes transport upgrades, including walking and cycling to create build-ready land for around 1,000 homes.
Note for Editors:
- Large Scale Projects (LSPs) are a 20-year portfolio of land development and infrastructure activities that will enable development of new homes to meet critical and growing housing shortages:
- The $3.8 billion Housing Acceleration Fund (HAF) was announced in March 2021. It includes $350 million for the Māori Housing Acceleration Fund, and approximately $1 billion for the contestable Infrastructure Acceleration Fund (IAF), which is currently assessing applications. So far the HAF has funded:
- $136 million for the Eastern Porirua LSP for wastewater and drinking water upgrades, plus $6.1 million from the IAF for Keneperu/Titahi transport and three waters upgrades.
- $282 million for Auckland LSPs to enable replacement of 600 public homes, plus create capacity for an additional 1,260 homes.
- The LSPs have been in delivery since 2017, and investment has so far supported the delivery of around 3,800 homes, including 1,300 affordable homes and 850 new public homes.