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Source: Auckland Council

More than 3000 Aucklanders have already submitted feedback on Auckland Council’s proposed 2022/23 Annual Budget, but time is running out to have your say.

Response numbers are up by about a third compared with the same time in the previous Annual Budget consultation period – and we want to hear more.

Councillor Desley Simpson, Chair of the council’s Finance and Performance Committee, says she wants to hear from as many Aucklanders as possible.

“We are in a period of much uncertainty created by both the COVID-19 pandemic and unfavourable economic trends like fast-rising inflation and interest rates so its more important than ever to have feedback from a range of Aucklanders about how we plan to manage our budget.

“A diversity of people and cultures is at the heart of Tamaki Makaurau – like no other region in New Zealand – that’s why it’s so important for all of our communities to be represented in budget feedback and reflected in the work that the council does,” she says.

Annual Budget documents and feedback forms have been translated into six additional languages, as well as including New Zealand Sign Language information videos.

Councillor Shane Henderson, Deputy Chair of the council’s Finance and Performance Committee, says it’s important we hear what matters to our younger Aucklanders.

“Participation rates for Aucklanders 25 and older are consistent across the board, however we’re not hearing as much feedback from the 24-and-unders.

“There’s a lot in this budget that is of interest to, and will affect, our younger Aucklanders, such as climate action, city centre development and transport. After all, the projects we deliver today will benefit the Aucklanders of tomorrow.

“We know budgets can be difficult to understand, so to provide some insight into how we develop and build the council’s budget we have a great tool called the Budget Balancing Act, where you can have a go at allocating funds that match your priorities and preferences.

“More than 380 Aucklanders have engaged with this tool so far and we’d love to see more Aucklanders take a look at it.”

Have your say

Consultation on the proposed 2022/23 Annual Budget closes at 5pm on Monday 28 March, and there are a range of ways you can have your say.

We still have spots available at our webinars if you prefer to listen and ask questions in real time, otherwise you can fill out one of our feedback forms online, write to us by email or post, or simply ask a question if there’s something you want to address.

For more information, visit