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Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Source: Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Over the weekend Fire and Emergency responded to multiple vegetation fires in Auckland which had got out of control due to the windy conditions.
Ron Devlin, Region Manager Te Hiku, urges Aucklanders to be vigilant, “If you’ve applied for a fire permit, then follow the conditions outlined in that permit, before lighting an outdoor fire.”
Auckland Mainland (Greater Auckland except Hauraki Gulf Islands) is currently in a Restricted Fire Season, which requires a permit to light a fire in the open air. Permits are free and can be applied on The Hauraki Gulf Islands are in a Prohibited Fire Season, which means a total fire ban is in place. If they are unsure of the Fire Season for their location, people should visit
“If it is hot and windy, don’t light the fire at all – leave it for another day. Hot and windy conditions increase the risk of a lit fire getting out of control,” Ron Devlin says.
He also asks people to make sure their driveways are at least 4 X 4 metres and free of debris and overgrown vegetation to allow fires trucks through in an emergency.