Source: Environmental Protection Authority
24 December 2021
Next steps in the reassessment of hydrogen cyanamide, an active ingredient in sprays commonly used by kiwifruit growers.
Submissions on the reassessment of hydrogen cyanamide closed on Monday 20 December, with 199 submissions received.
We are in the process of making these all available on our website.
Next steps on the reassessment are still to be determined, but a public hearing is likely to be held in the new year.
The EPA’s initial evidence suggests the economic benefits of hydrogen cyanamide are outweighed by the environmental risks and adverse health effects to the reproductive system and thyroid.
The EPA has proposed a gradual phase-out of the use of products containing hydrogen cyanamide over five years, due to the very high proportion of orchardists currently using hydrogen cyanamide, and the relatively minimal experience of using alternatives. Orchardists need to pre-order their stocks at least six months before the spray season begins in July.
Currently two agrichemical alternatives to hydrogen cyanamide are approved by the EPA. Details are available in the EPA’s application report.