Keep tamariki safe when hiring or using bouncy castles


Source: Worksafe New Zealand

WorkSafe NZ is aware of the tragic events in Tasmania and knows parents and caregivers here will be thinking about how to keep tamariki safe when hiring or using bouncy castles.

These devices are widely available but consumers may not know the standards for safe use to check the device they’re hiring, and operator, are following good practice. Injuries are common on bouncy castles and can be serious.

In New Zealand, suppliers and operators of Land Based Inflatable (LBI) devices such as bouncy castles fall under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015. This means they need to eliminate or minimise risks to health and safety so far as reasonably practical.

Suppliers and operators must show how LBIs comply with AS 3533, which sets requirements for use, including anchoring and safe use in windy conditions.

Parents can keep tamariki safe by looking for the AS 3533 label, which is prominently displayed on LBIs from reputable manufacturers, and can ask the supplier or operator about their practices and how it can be used safely.


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