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Source: New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Safe Travel

  • Reviewed: 14 December 2021, 16:41 NZDT
  • Still current at: 14 December 2021

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We currently advise that all New Zealanders do not travel overseas at this time due to the COVID-19 pandemic, associated health risks and widespread travel restrictions.

The global situation remains complex. International travel can be complicated with fewer international flights available and disruptions to transit routes and hubs. Any destination could experience a sudden increase in cases of COVID-19 and a heightened risk to travellers of contracting the virus. Strict health measures and movement restrictions could be imposed suddenly, particularly in response to new variants of concern. Should you decide to travel overseas at this time, be prepared to remain overseas longer than you intended. You should also be aware that your travel insurance may not cover travel disruption or medical expenses. Talk to your insurer about how sudden changes to the international travel environment might affect your insurance.

Managed Isolation and Quarantine in New Zealand
Travellers to New Zealand may be required to enter government-provided managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ). The length of your stay in MIQ may depend on where you are travelling from. Detailed information about MIQ requirements in New Zealand can be found at

Pre-departure testing requirements for travellers to New Zealand
Most travellers must have a negative pre-departure test result and approved documentation to enter New Zealand. Detailed information about pre-departure testing requirements can be found on the Unite Against COVID-19 website here.

We recognise that some New Zealanders do continue to live and travel overseas. We continue to provide destination-specific advice about other safety and security risks below.


Violent crime
Violent crime is common in Cambodia, and foreigners have been the target of sexual assault and robbery. Robbery by bag-snatching from passing motorcycles or tuk-tuks is prevalent in cities and towns and can result in injury.

New Zealanders in Cambodia are advised to maintain a high level of personal security awareness, particularly in areas frequented by tourists, including Siem Reap, the river front area of Phnom Penh and at beaches in Sihanoukville. We recommend taking steps to safeguard and secure personal belongings at all times, especially when in crowded or public areas or when travelling by tuk-tuk or public transport. Exercise additional caution at night and avoid travelling alone. Avoid displaying or wearing items that appear valuable, such as mobile devices and jewellery. No resistance should be given if you are the victim of an armed robbery or mugging as this could lead to an escalation in violence.

Cambodian law enforcement resources and responses are limited and may not provide the same services as available in New Zealand. English speaking staff may not be available.

Although attacks are uncommon, several small scale grenade/bomb and shooting attacks have occurred in Cambodia. While foreigners are not normally targeted, New Zealanders are advised to exercise a high degree of personal security awareness at all times.

Civil unrest
Political protests and demonstrations occur in Cambodia and have occasionally turned violent. New Zealanders are advised to avoid all demonstrations and political gatherings as even those intended to be peaceful have the potential to result in violence. We advise monitoring local media and following any instructions from local authorities.

There is a danger from unexploded landmines in many rural parts of Cambodia, particularly along the border with Thailand. We strongly recommend you remain on well-used roads and paths as mined areas are often unmarked.

Local travel
A Cambodia-Thailand border dispute centred around the Preah Vihear temple has led to hostilities and tensions in the past, including armed conflict. The situation has stabilised, however, we recommend exercising particular care around the Thai-Cambodian border and at border crossings.   

General travel advice
Penalties for possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs are severe and can include lengthy imprisonment.

Road and vehicle safety standards are significantly lower than in New Zealand, and we advise exercising caution when travelling by road outside major urban centres at night due to the increased risk of traffic accidents.

Overcrowding and poor safety standards on boats have caused accidents in Cambodia, particularly off the coast of Sihanoukville. We recommend you do not board any boat which you believe is overloaded or unseaworthy.

New Zealanders travelling or living in Cambodia should have a comprehensive travel insurance policy in place that includes provision for medical evacuation by air.

New Zealanders in Cambodia are encouraged to register their details  with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Travel tips

The New Zealand Embassy Bangkok, Thailand is accredited to Cambodia

Street Address M Thai Tower, 14th floor, All Seasons Place, 87 Wireless Road, Bangkok Postal Address PO Box 2719, Bangkok 10500 Telephone +66 2 254 2530 Fax +66 2 253 9045 Email Web Site Hours Mon-Fri 0800-1200, 1300-1630 hrs

See our regional advice for South East Asia