Culture and Heritage – Manatū Taonga announces 2022 commemorations programme


Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Source: Ministry for Culture and Heritage

Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage Chief Executive Bernadette Cavanagh announced the 2022 commemorations programme today and encouraged people to get in touch with the Ministry if they are planning activities centred on one of these events.
“Among the anniversaries to be marked next year will be 50 years since the presentation of the Māori language petition to Parliament. This petition helped spark the revitalisation of Te Reo Māori and tikanga across Aotearoa. To recognise its significance, Government designated the anniversary a Tier 1 event in the commemorations calendar.
“We’ll also be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the national kapa haka competition. This biennial festival, now known as Te Matatini, draws thousands of people to experience Māori performing arts.
“And next year is the 75th anniversary of the National Symphony Orchestra, now the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra. It’s one of world’s oldest national symphony orchestras, having held its first concert in 1947 at Wellington Town Hall.
“2022 will also mark 75 years since the fire at Ballantynes’ Department Store in Christchurch, which resulted in the loss of 41 lives and led to important fire safety reforms in this country.
“I invite people to play an active role in commemorating these significant anniversaries. Whether through online or in-person events, marking these moments in our history is an important way to foster our shared sense of national identity.
“Manatū Taonga coordinates between groups and individuals planning activities based on the commemorations programme. People can get in touch with us, so that we can connect them to others with similar interests. It’s a good way to share resources, learn from and tautoko each other.
“I encourage people to visit the Ministry’s website for a full list of commemorations in 2022, and consider how you might take part in, or lead, your community’s remembrance activities,” said Bernadette Cavanagh.


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