Draft Strategy to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm (2022/23 to 2024/25)


Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health

The Gambling Act 2003 sets out requirements for an ‘integrated problem gambling strategy focused on public health’.

The Ministry of Health is responsible for developing and refreshing the strategy at three-yearly intervals, and for implementing it. The Crown recovers the cost of developing and implementing the strategy, by way of a ‘problem gambling levy’ set by regulation at a different rate for each of the main gambling sectors. The Act specifies consultation requirements for the development of the strategy and the levy rates.

Consistent with these requirements, the Ministry is now seeking your comments on its draft Strategy to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm for 2022/23 to 2024/25 and on the draft levy rates.

The consultation document also draws on the needs assessment required by the Act, which looks at facts and figures relating to gambling harm in New Zealand, and has informed development of the consultation document

Have your say on the draft Strategy to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm

Harm from gambling is a significant public health issue for our communities, and to individuals, families and whānau, but this harm is not evenly spread across our communities, as Māori and Pacific people experience more harm from gambling.

Every three years the Ministry of Health sets out a proposed strategy to prevent and minimise the harm caused to people, whānau, and communities by gambling.

This is an opportunity to have your say about:

  • the strategic plan, which sets out the general strategic direction and priorities that provide a framework for the activities described below
  • the proposed funding levels for the Ministry, in relation to the gambling harm prevention and minimisation activities described in the strategy
  • the proposed service plan, for the three years from 2022/23 to 2024/25
  • the proposed problem gambling levy rates and weighting options per gambling sector, for the next three years.

Feedback from this consultation will help to develop the strategy proposals submitted to the Gambling Commission. The Gambling Commission will undertake its own consultation and make recommendations to Government, and the new strategy and levy will take effect from 1 July 2022.


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