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Source: MakeLemonade.nz

London – A new documentary narrated by academy award winner Kate Winslet will change the way people you look at the food industry – forever.

The doco comes out in movie theatres next month features Richard Branson.

It unravels the impact of diet on the ecological and climate crisisEating Our Way To Extinction specifically focuses on animal agriculture to deliver hard truths about global changing landscapes.

Throughout the documentary, people at the very forefront of the climate crisis relay their experiences. It also features local activists and celebrities, as well as scientists who add their verdicts on the most pressing issue of this generation.

It will help people, industry leaders, and governments question their everyday choices.

The trailer, released this week on YouTube, depicts shocking examples of natural disasters and human destruction  – among pictures of farmed animals. And it’ will make people never look at food or the food industry in the same way again.

Winslet says time is running out. Actor Leonardo DiCaprio says it’s the film future generations will be wishing everyone watched today.

Another doco already on the public arena, Breaking Boundaries,  is making people sit up and think about things already.

Narrated by the veteran broadcaster Sir David Attenborough, it seeks to increase awareness of environmental issues across the globe. Humans have pushed the Earth beyond the boundaries which have kept it stable for more than 10,000 years.

The window to fix the world is small. What people do in the next eight or nine years will be the decisive decade for humanity’s future on Earth.

Humanity is careening close to the edge. The impact on nature is bringing the planet closer to the brink. Attenborough says there has never been a more important time to communicate the science of what is happening to our planet, with regard to the climate crisis.

Human pressures on Earth are now reaching ‘irreversible tipping points’, he says.

The world needs to slash greenhouse gas emissions to zero and protecting wetlands, soils, forests, and oceans currently absorbing the impact of humans.

People need to change their diets toward plant-based food. Rising figures reveal the concerning impact of animal agriculture. And, as reports indicate how biodiversity hotspots such as the Amazon rain forest are destroyed to make way for our food.

More than a third of Brits have started avoiding animal products due to David Attenborough’s earlier docos A Life On Our Planet and The Game Changers.