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Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health

There are no cases of COVID-19 to report in the community today.

There is one new case of COVID-19 to report in recent returnees in managed isolation facilities since yesterday’s update.

The number of active cases in New Zealand is 30.

Since 1 January 2021, there have been 114 historical cases, out of a total of 707 cases.

The seven-day rolling average of new cases detected at the border is two.   

Our total number of confirmed cases is 2,524.

New border cases in New Zealand

Arrival date 



Positive test day/reason   

Managed isolation/quarantine location   

3 August


France and United Arab Emirates

Day 0 / routine


Full travel history for case 2 in yesterday’s release has now been determined. The case travelled from the United Kingdom, via United Arab Emirates.

Vaccination roll-out update

More than 2.06 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered to date (to 11.59pm on 4 August).

Of these, 1,258,000 are first doses and more than 780,000 are second doses.

Yesterday (4 August) 45,802 doses in total were administered, made up of 32,230 first doses and 12,852 second doses. This is another record daily total.

More than 115,000 Māori have received their first vaccination. Of these, around 73,000 have also had their second vaccinations.

More than 78,600 doses have been administered to Pacific peoples. Of these, almost 50,000 have also received their second doses.

Returnees from Australia 

Quarantine Free Travel with Australia remains suspended. Eligible travellers needing to return to New Zealand from all Australian states (except New South Wales) were provided a 7-day return window which ended at 11.59pm on Friday 30 July.

South east Queensland remains in lockdown and we are continuing to remind anyone who returned from Queensland on those return flights last week to keep checking locations Queensland Health website  and monitor for any symptoms of COVID-19.

If people have been at a location of interest at the relevant time, they should immediately isolate at home or appropriate accommodation and call Healthline on 0800 358 5453 for advice on testing. New locations of interest have also been added for Victoria.

Contact tracing staff have also identified 2,995 people who returned on managed flights from Victoria between 25 and 30 July and have been required under a section 70 notice to isolate until a negative day 3 test.

Of those 2,773 have so far returned a negative test; five have returned overseas and don’t need to be followed up; and 85 have been granted a clinical exemption.

A clinical exemption is granted for a variety of reasons. This includes infants and children and individuals who are unable to test. If a clinical decision is made that the absence of testing does not pose an increased public health risk.

For example, an asymptomatic infant may be granted an exemption if their parents are asymptomatic and have had negative test results.

Public health units and contact tracing staff are following up with the remaining 132 people. This group of people is being contacted and testing arranged.

Mattina update

The Mattina remains in quarantine at a secure berth in Bluff.

As of Thursday morning, 13 of the original 21 mariners remain on board the vessel.

Details around the remaining 8 crew members have been previously provided.


The total number of COVID-19 tests processed by laboratories to date is 2,507,176.

Yesterday, 7,447 tests were processed across New Zealand.

The seven-day rolling average is 5,909.

For all testing locations nationwide visit the Healthpoint website.

“Collectively, we’ve now processed more than 2.5 million tests since the beginning of testing in February last year. In that time, we’ve seen New Zealanders rise to the challenge and get themselves tested when needed. Testing remains a crucial element to New Zealand’s response against COVID-19.

“I’d also like to thanks the thousands of testers and support staff across the country who worked quickly to set up testing centres and continue to work on the frontline, to protect all New Zealanders” says Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield.


NZ COVID Tracer now has 2,910,517 registered users.

Poster scans have reached 317,880,607 and users have created 12,475,950 manual diary entries.

There have been 539,254 scans in the past 24 hours to midday yesterday.