Source: New Zealand Transport Agency
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency advises there will be multiple worksites on state highways across the Coromandel Peninsula next week as part of routine maintenance.
Locations include:
- State Highway 25 between Te Rerenga and Kuaotunu – delays of up to 10 minutes for edge repairs. Work will be carried out between 6am and 6pm with Stop/Go traffic management and a temporary speed limit of 30km/h in place.
- SH25 near Whitipirorua Road intersection – delays of up to 10 minutes for road sealing. Work will be carried out between 6am and 7pm with Stop/Go traffic management and a temporary speed limit of 30km/h in place.
- Onetai Bridge on SH25, a temporary speed limit of 30km/h will be in place while routine bridge maintenance work is carried out.
Contractors will monitor traffic flow and will work to minimise the impact of the works where possible, but motorists should expect minor delays when work is taking place. Outside work hours the road will operate as normal.
This work is part of the Waka Kotahi preventative maintenance programme to keep roads in a safe condition during the harsher winter months.
In the event of bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances, work may be postponed. Our contractors also carry out emergency works at short notice, for example slip repairs. We advise motorists to plan their journey before heading by finding out the latest information about delays or closures using the Waka Kotahi interactive Journey Planner tool ( link)).
Waka Kotahi thanks motorists for their patience.
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