Source: New Zealand Government
He kura i tangihia, he maimai aroha
E te tōtara haemata, te Tōtara whakahi o te wao nui a Tāne
He tangata hautū, he haumi, te whakatere o ngā waka
He toka tū moana, ākina ā tai, ākina ā hau, ākina a ngaru tūātea,
Takoto, e moe, okioki atu rā
Minister of Local Government, Nanaia Mahuta is deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull.
“As Mayor of Dunedin, Mr Cull led the council through a period of restrained financial management following the global financial crisis and the added debt burden of the Forsyth
Barr stadium. He worked to restore trust and faith in council following the bitter debate over the Forsyth Barr stadium that divided the community,” said Nanaia Mahuta.
“At a national level, Mr Cull provided leadership to LGNZ as it has grappled with climate change, infrastructure deficits, and the impacts of Covid-19. He led the organisation through the challenging level 4 lockdown period, and helped ensure that local government is well-placed to play its part in New Zealand’s recovery,” said Nanaia Mahuta.
While representing Local Government New Zealand he held senior positions in two international bodies namely the United Cities land Local Government and the Commonwealth Local Government Forum. He had a keen interest in advancing Young Elected Members network and supporting Te Maruata, the Maori Committee, both of which now have a high profile within LGNZ.
“He was a man of many talents. Quite apart from his local government involvement he had a respected career in home interiors, writing numerous magazine articles and 13 books.
He then became a television presenter, hosting lifestyle and home improvement television
shows. Dave was a colleague and friend,” said Nanaia Mahuta.
“I offer my deepest sympathies to his wife Joan and their family.”
Haere atu rā e te kahu kōrako. E tae koe ki ngā rire o ngā rangi, ki te huihuinga o te kahurangi, ki te tauranga o te Atua. Haere, okioki atu rā.
(I bid thee farewell great chief. Ascend to the highest of heavens, to the gathering of the esteemed, to the heavens protected by the gods. Farewell, return.)