Fire Safety – Manawatu and Rangitikei move to open fire season


Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Source: Fire and Emergency New Zealand

At 8 am, Monday 19 April, Manawatu, Rangitikei and Palmerston North districts will move to an open fire season, with the exception of beaches across the Rangitikei, Manawatu and Horowhenua where open-air fires will remain prohibited.
An open fire season means people planning on lighting an open-air fire don’t need a permit prior to lighting.
Principal Rural Fire Officer Bradley Shanks says recent rain fall and cooler weather has helped reduce the risk of a fire spreading around the Manawatu and Rangitikei.
“However, I encourage people planning on lighting open-air fires to visit for information and advice on managing fires safely,” he says.
“I’d like to thank everyone who followed Fire and Emergency’s advice when lighting fires over the periods of heightened fire danger.”


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