Moody’s reaffirm Auckland Council’s Aa2 Credit Rating


Source: Auckland Council

Moody’s Investor Services has reaffirmed Auckland Council’s Aa2 credit rating, outlook stable.

The council’s Group Chief Financial Officer, Peter Gudsell comments:

“This confirmation of an Aa2 credit rating from Moody’s reflects the council’s strong governance framework and the robust fiscal disciplines we apply.

“We are operating in a challenging and uncertain environment and although we have adjusted our assumptions, forecasts and plans through the Emergency Budget, and more recently our proposed 10-year budget, we continue to focus on providing the services that Aucklanders rely on while taking a prudent and responsible approach to financial management.

“There is no doubt that the last 12 months have been unprecedented and reaffirmation from our credit rating agencies is reassuring. The focus for the council continues to be to manage our finances and debt position prudently and contribute to the economic recovery of the city through investment and maintaining core services.”


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