Have your say on a new legal framework for incorporated societies


Source: New Zealand Parliament

There are about 24,000 societies currently on the Incorporated Society Register. These include sports and social clubs, cultural and religious groups, political parties, and special interest and activist organisations. The bill would put in place a modern framework of basic legal, governance, and accountability obligations for incorporated societies and those who run them.

The bill would:

  • Put in place six express duties on officers of incorporated societies, modelled on directors’ duties in the Companies Act 1993. These duties would codify existing case law in this area.
  • Provide a mechanism for societies to amalgamate with each other.
  • Include civil law enforcement provisions that state who may apply to a court for orders in respect of a society, and the types of orders the court can make.

Tell the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee what you think

Make a submission on the bill by midnight on 28 May 2021.

For more details about the bill:


For media enquiries contact:

Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee staff




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