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Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Source: Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Wairoa is now in an open fire season. The change in season came into effect from 8am Monday 29 March 2021 and includes Wairoa township.
The rest of the Hawke’s Bay and the Bay Forests Zone is still dry and remains in a restricted fire season, as does public conservation land (DOC) which is in a restricted fire season all year round. Anyone planning to light an outdoor fire in these areas will need to apply for a permit at
Principal Rural Fire Officer Trevor Mitchell says there have been fire restrictions in place in Wairoa since 12 October 2020.
“The recent rain in Wairoa has reduced the fire danger enough to now go to an open fire season,” he says.
“However I ask people to continue to be vigilant and follow the fire safety tips on when lighting any outdoor fires.”