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Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Last updated 25 March 2021
Last updated 25 March 2021

The purpose of the Adult and Community Education (ACE) Fund is to provide community-based education, foundation skills, and pathways into other learning opportunities that meet community learning needs.
The purpose of the Adult and Community Education (ACE) Fund is to provide community-based education, foundation skills, and pathways into other learning opportunities that meet community learning needs.

ACE is delivered by different sectors:
Each TEO must have an approved Investment Plan (Plan) unless exempt.
Key changes from 2021
From January 2021, the priorities of ACE funding are for programmes that:
Improve employability
Courses focused on employability
Life skills such as financial literacy
Introductory ‘taster’ courses

Promote social and cultural inclusion and participation
Languages, including Te Reo Māori, New Zealand Sign Language (including ESOL), Pacific languages (especially Realm languages) and Asian languages
Courses supporting digital inclusion

Raises foundation skills
Courses in literacy, numeracy and/or digital literacy

Improve health and wellbeing
Courses such as parenting, mental health and resilience, or conflict resolution/anger management.

This applies to ACE in Schools, ACE in Communities and ACE in Te Pūkenga and Wānanga.
Further information about ACE (PDF, 861 Kb)