Source: New Zealand Transport Agency
Holiday traffic will flow more easily through three new roundabouts in Northland, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency says.
The new roundabout at Puketona Junction at the intersection of SH10 and SH11 went live last night, while those at Waipapa on SH10 north of Kerikeri, and at Kawakawa at the intersection of SH1 and SH11 have also recently been made operational.
“These roundabouts are all at locations heavily used by locals as well as visitors to the area – all three are on the Twin Coast Discovery Route, Northland’s main tourist artery. Having the roundabouts in place for the summer will help to ease congestion and make holiday travel safer and easier for everyone,” says Waka Kotahi Acting Senior Manager Project Delivery Rod James.
“The construction crew at Puketona Junction made a big push to get the new roundabout linked up with the bridge on SH10 near Te Ahu Ahu Road in time for Christmas.
“We’ve already seen a huge amount of positive feedback from the community about the roundabouts at Kawakawa and Waipapa, and Puketona will add to a much improved experience for road users.
“Puketona Junction has a poor safety record due to the high volume of turning traffic accessing the Bay of Islands at this intersection. The roundabout will improve safety and reduce road closures caused by crashes.”
There is a temporary 50km/h speed limit through the Puketona roundabout work area and traffic cones and other safety measures will be in place over the holiday period.
Final surfacing and other finishing work will be done in the new year, with the project due for completion in April 2021.
“At Waipapa crews have worked extremely hard to seal SH10, the roundabout and Waipapa Road and ensure as many footpaths are completed as possible so that they can leave the site clear and tidy for the holidays,” says Mr James.
The first traffic flows through the new Puketona roundabout at the intersection of SH10 and SH11 last night (December 21).
The new roundabout at Kawakawa, at the intersection of SH1 and SH11
The new roundabout at Waipapa on SH10, north of Kerikeri
“Final asphalting and landscaping works will be completed in the new year, along with the Maritime Lane extension and link with Klinac Lane. The project should be complete as planned in April 2021.
“Work will continue on a new retaining wall in Kawakawa next year, where carved panels will enhance the appearance and cultural status of the previously scrub-covered entrance to the township. This is well on track to be finished by June, if not before.”
Work on each of the sites will shut down at midday tomorrow, resuming at midday on 5 January, to help minimise delays for motorists.
“Waka Kotahi urges motorists to drive with care through all three construction sites. Please keep to the temporary speed limits, drive to the conditions and be patient with other drivers,” says Mr James.
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