Card spending up as COVID-19 alert levels fall – Stats NZ Media and Information Release: Electronic card transactions: September 2020


Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Card spending up as COVID-19 alert levels fall – Media release

13 October 2020

Retail card spending rose in September 2020 compared with August as the Auckland region moved from COVID-19 alert level 3 to alert level 2, with a few extra restrictions, Stats NZ said today.

“Retail spending rallied in September as Auckland moved down to COVID-19 alert level 2, plus extra restrictions, at the start of the month and the rest of New Zealand dropped to alert level 1 later in the month,” retail statistics manager Kathy Hicks said.

In actual terms, retail spending using electronic cards was $5.7 billion in September 2020, up $389 million (7.3 percent) from September 2019.

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