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Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency advises motorists to expect delays crossing the Auckland Harbour Bridge after strong wind gusts caused two trucks to crash.

Auckland System Manager Andrea Williamson says that just after 11AM the wind was gusting at just over 60kph, but suddenly picked up to blow for several minutes at up to 127kph. 

“A medium-sized truck travelling in lane 3 northbound was hit by a strong gust of wind and blown across two lanes. It toppled over the moveable lane barrier and is now stuck on the barrier. The driver was not injured.” 

“At the same time a southbound truck carrying a shipping container was blown sideways and hit the bridge superstructure. The truck righted itself and carried on.”

“There is damage to the bridge overarch, with a steel upright sheared off,” says Ms Williamson.

“The four lanes in the bridge centre span will remain closed until the damaged upright is assessed and repaired.”

The clip on lanes north and south are still open, but there is heavy congestion with traffic backing up.

Motorists are advised that it may be some time before all lanes can be reopened.

“Motorists should expect delays crossing the bridge and are advised to avoid the area if possible.”

“Consider using the Western Ring Route (SH16 and SH18) around the harbour to avoid using SH1 and the bridge.

Metservice says the worst of the wind gusts has now passed.

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