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Source: New Zealand Government

More programmes have been funded through the Provincial Growth Fund to reduce the damage methamphetamine use is causing in regional New Zealand, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones says.

“Today, I am announcing $6.7 million will go to nine programmes around the country to address the terrible toll meth is taking on people in the regions, their families and whanau, and communities.

“Businesses across New Zealand have told us it is difficult to employ people with drug problems. Particularly in our current economic climate, it is important that regional businesses have reliable workforces. It is also incredibly important for people to have the tools to deal with addiction so that they can get and keep jobs,” Shane Jones said.

The funding announced today is part of the $20 million allocated from the Provincial Growth in July to fight meth harm in the regions.

The Provincial Development Unit is working with Police and the Ministry of Health and regional providers to reduce the harm, with a long-term plan to eliminate the drug from the regions.

“The nine projects announced today will support community providers in Northland, Bay of Plenty, Manawatū-Whanganui and Hawke’s Bay.

“These programmes will support more than 2000 people and create opportunities for them including employment,” Shane Jones said.

“These providers work alongside their communities and incorporate strategies including improving access to treatment, drop-in hubs, kaupapa Māori approaches, peer support and after-hours support.”

Details of the nine recipients are below:

Northland – $3.2m

Ngati Hine Social Services will receive $600,000 to run He Waka Toki. This kaupapa Māori-based programme will provide clinical and mentoring support by establishing a ‘drop-in’ hub for existing and rehabilitated users of methamphetamine, initially in Kawakawa and later through virtual hubs for outlying communities. This project aims to help up to 200 people per year over two years.

Nga Manga Puriri will receive $630,000 for its Whakamana Tangata programme which will establish a drop-in centre in Dargaville where information, treatment and support will be available. The programme will support individuals and whanau in the Kaipara region. This programme will target up to 250 people per year over two years.

Hokianga Health will receive $999,990 to run Te Kapehu programme which will deliver interventions through tikanga and cultural responses and develop and support pathways to connect people to wider community opportunities. This programme will support up to 92 people per year over two years.

Te Runanga o Whangaroa will receive $990,000 to run Te Whare Ruruhau programme. This will support whānau to find pathways to wellbeing by facilitating access to treatment and support in the form of whānau care packages for whānau in the Kaeo/Whangaroa rohe. This programme will target up to 40 people per year over two years.                               

Bay of Plenty – $1.19m

Te Runanga o Te Whanau will receive $213,000 to run Whare Rauora, a 12-month programme that fosters whanau-led prevention through education. This is an iwi-led, community-based programme that will target 1500 people over a year.

Tikanga Aroro Charitable Trust will receive $976,000 to run Puwhakamua,  which provides a Tikanga Māori Rehabilitation programme for people who have either previously been imprisoned or are deemed to be at high risk of offending. This programme provides a live-in residential programme for up to 0 people per year for two years.

Hawke’s Bay – $1.47m

Waiohiki Community Charitable Trust will receive $970,000 to run Tangata Mahi Ora. This is a community-based treatment programme drawing on peer to peer support. The programme has a strong pastoral care component focusing on participants’ access to professional services and primary healthcare. The programme will work with up to 50 individuals and their whānau each year over two years.

Central Hawke’s Bay District Council will receive $497,514 to run He Ringa Ora Whānau. The programme will appoint two He Ringa Whānau Ora roles, to provide community-based support to address drug issues and intergenerational cycles of whānau harm in hard to reach whānau in the Central Hawke’s Bay. The programme will work closely with the Tihei Tamatea network and Central Hawke’s Bay triage forum. It will support 50 whānau over two years.

Manawatū – Whanganui – $900,000

Te Oranganui will receive $900,000 to run Te Toronga Whānau. This programme will scale up the capacity of Te Oranganui to provide addiction services. This programme will provide health and wellbeing services that address drugs as a barrier to employment it has on whanau and communities. It focuses on Māori and rangatahi and will support 40 users and their whānau each year over two years.

Editor’s note

Funding from the Provincial Development Unit is approved in principle and announced, after which contracts are negotiated. Some funding may depend on completion of business cases and completion of due diligence checks. Payments are made once agreed milestones are met. These are set as part of contract negotiations, and differ from project to project.