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Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency advises there will be day time road works under stop/go traffic management on State Highway 1 in the Dome Valley, starting Monday, 24 August.

The work would usually be done at night but has been rescheduled to the day time to take advantage of low traffic volumes under COVID-19 Alert Level 3, says Waka Kotahi Senior Manager Project Delivery Andrew Thackwray.

The team will be working on paving construction, which is the preparation of the road’s base course so it is ready for asphalt sealing in fine weather.

This work will start on Monday at Kaipara Flats Road to Sheepworld and on Tuesday from 200 metres south of the Motocross Park to the Hotio Bridge.

The day time work will continue as long as the Auckland region remains at Alert Level 3.

“This work is usually done at night to minimise disruption for SH1 traffic but moving it to the day time means much more progress can be achieved and, with traffic significantly reduced, it will be safer for the work crews.”

“During the work, our team will temporarily stop traffic to ensure the safety of the work crews and road users. We will be monitoring the queues and minimising wait times as much as possible,” says Andrew Thackwray.

“The Transport Agency apologises for any inconvenience and advises road users to plan ahead and allow extra time for their journeys.”

The road works are part of safety improvements through the Dome Valley which include widening the centre line and road side shoulders, adding right hand turn bays and installing flexible road safety barriers.

The project started in early 2019 and is expected to be completed in late 2021. The project is being delivered as part of the Safe Network Programme, a collaborative, prioritised programme of proven safety interventions on high risk routes across New Zealand.

More info at link)

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