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Source: Auckland Council

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our daily lives in unexpected ways, and the work on a Warkworth pontoon is no different.

“Like many of us who have ordered things from overseas, we are in a holding pattern,” says Mike Feather, Auckland Council’s community facilities manager for Rodney.

“We are waiting on specialised parts for the pontoon that need to come from overseas.”

Mike Feather knows the pontoon plays an important role in the life of the Warkworth community.

“It is pleasing to see people are as passionate as us about this important facility.”

The pontoon and the attached foot ramp are an important part of the wharf, allowing easy access to the riverside for sailors regardless of the tide.

As soon as the parts arrive from overseas the repair will be a key focus for the facilities team.

“Boats coming up the Mahurangi River to visit is something special about Warkworth and we love seeing it. Despite the delay, we are on track to have the pontoon ready for the summer sailing season.”