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Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Source: Business Central

The Wellington Chamber of Commerce has welcomed the announcement that work on Transmission Gully will be able to resume with an open date of September 2021.
“We were disappointed in the Transmission Gully delays resulting from the COVID level 4 lockdown given it is such an important project, but we are pleased that a resolution has been found and work can now resume,” says John Milford, Chief Executive of the Wellington Chamber of Commerce.
“It is incredibly important for the region that this project now be completed on time. It has been an expensive delay for both Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and the wider community and we hope there will be no more delays.
“The business communities in Kapiti, Porirua, the Hutt Valley, and Wellington have all looked forward to the completion of the highway. Our regular quarterly surveys show overwhelming support for Transmission Gully.
“Wellington has not seen significant transport infrastructure investment since the 1970s and it is glaringly obvious to those travelling around the city and region each day.
“For us it is an important piece of infrastructure, but it is one piece of a large puzzle. We need to see completion of projects across the region. This includes Petone to Grenada, Otaki to Levin, Melling Interchange, Te Ara Tupua, and the full Let’s Get Wellington Moving package, among many others.”