Appointments – Unions congratulate Dr Bill Rosenberg on appointment to Productivity Commissioner


Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Source: CTU

The Council of Trade Unions today congratulated long time Policy Director and Economist and more recently, Future of Work Director Dr Bill Rosenberg on his appointment as one of New Zealand’s Productivity Commissioners. CTU President Richard Wagstaff says Bill will bring a wealth of experience to the role, as well as strong union values of equality and representation for all working people.
“This appointment comes on the back of a career diligently researching and advocating for better outcomes for working people in New Zealand on the basis of sound economic policy and evidence,” Mr Wagstaff said.
“Bill is a consistently measured and credible voice in the economic field, with a strong interest in improving productivity alongside delivering a better quality of life and quality of employment for all New Zealanders. His most recent role with the CTU as Director of the Future of Work combines his expertise in linking productivity with wages and supporting New Zealanders through industrial and technological change – now more relevant than ever in the face of Covid-19 and climate change.”
“We look forward to engaging with Bill’s work as Productivity Commissioner, and the well-rounded approach he will bring to the role. It is a much deserved appointment and a good fit for Government’s wellbeing focus in the future of work.”


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