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Source: Taxpayers Union

Collins crushed under the weight of the Debt Monster
14 AUGUST 2020FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEResponding to National Party Leader Judith Collins’s comments this morning, the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is criticising the National Party for softening its stance on reducing debt.Spokesperson Islay Aitchison says, “Reducing public debt to 30 percent of GDP over approximately a decade would minimise the cost to New Zealanders and, in turn, the amount they will have to repay in tax. Paul Goldsmith had a plan to achieve this — what happened?””Judith Collins now says that 30 percent was only ever ‘aspirational’, and that ‘under no circumstances’ should National commit to a particular reduction. Why not at least commit to seeing through the proposed spending cuts, such as Fees Free and superannuation contributions, and avoiding new schemes that aren’t proven to be productive?””From the outside, it seems Judith Collins is trying to carve out some space in the Budget for yet-to-be-announced election bribes. Taxpayers won’t thank her for that as they repay a massive public debt. This is a win for the Debt Monster and a loss for New Zealand.”