Parliament is revamping its rules

Parliament is revamping its rules

Source: New Zealand Parliament

Media Release
4 August 2020

Today, the Standing Orders Committee’s report on the review of Standing Orders was presented to the House.

The Speaker of the House, the Rt Hon Trevor Mallard, chairs the committee. He said today that the 2020 review will make our rules more modern, and lead to a better system here at Parliament.

“The review began before the COVID-19 epidemic but was profoundly shaped by it. Apart from dramatically shortening the time available for the review to take place, the response to COVID-19 required members across the House to be adaptable and constructive. The spirit of flexibility and innovation this created has fed into the review, which has recommended substantial changes.” 

Major themes of the review include:

  • Being more responsive to the public, by improving how petitions to Parliament are considered, and recommending different ways of engaging with New Zealanders
  • Interactive debate on issues important to members, including more time for debating non‑Government and non-legislative business
  • Increased accountability of Ministers for the parliamentary business for which they’re responsible
  • Greater flexibility for select committees to find the most effective ways to meet and consider business
  • Better law-making, including more encouragement of Government engagement with the public when proposing law changes
  • Updated rules, such as changes to the rules for making images and recordings of the House and select committees.

The House will debate the committee’s report and vote on the recommended changes before it rises on 6 August 2020. If the House adopts the committee’s recommendations, the new rules will be in place for the start of the next Parliament.

Read the full report here.


For further enquiries please contact:

Jessie Manning

+64 21 872 397



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