Matakawau recycling drop-off site to close

Matakawau recycling drop-off site to close

Source: Auckland Council

Franklin’s last community recycling drop-off site is to close permanently, after being closed during the COVID-19 lockdown period.

With kerbside collection now in Matakawau, the building will be removed and the site restored.

A community group built the drop-off when there was no kerbside collection and passed it to the then Franklin District Council to maintain. It was the only drop-off to stay open when kerbside collection began in 2016.

The site is mostly used for cardboard, but in summer large numbers of glass bottles are left by visitors. In the future, visitors will be encouraged to pack in and out and will be given information on where to recycle.

Residents were mailed a letter letting them know about the change, and local businesses were provided with flyers to help spread the word.

Franklin Local Board Waiuku subdivision representative Matthew Murphy says all recycling has a cost, with kerbside recycling paid for through rates.

“Ratepayers are given a standard 240-litre bin and can request up to 480 litres. Businesses that need more must pay for collections or take recycling to a facility such as the Waiuku Community Recycling Centre.

“Some residents might be sad to see the spot go, but it was inconsistently used and there is kerbside collection now. It’s also expensive to service and doesn’t fit with the region’s waste minimisation plans.”

Waste Solutions staff will monitor the site to deter illegal dumping. Signs will tell people where to recycle and a summer campaign will provide information on recycling sites and encourage visitors to take responsibility.


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