Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti
55 seconds ago
Capri Whioke Kete, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Ara Hou student, attended an arts workshop at IDEAschool.
Young people from all over Hawke’s Bay recently got a taste of what studying at EIT might look like for them.
Over the last three days, EIT hosted its biannual taster days for high school students and young people between 15 and 18 years.
This year, 192 people registered for the courses, more than ever before.
The students could choose between 13 different workshops, ranging from business, sport science or environmental management to vet nursing, arts and design or wine science.
The courses are designed to give prospective students an insight into studying a particular subject and familiarise them with the campus and its facilities.
School students also get the opportunity to find out which qualification may most suit their interests, talents and abilities and get first-hand information from lecturers and tutors