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Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

With the new Dunedin Hospital being built in the central city, Dunedin has a unique opportunity to look at options to create a transport system that’s safer, better connected and offers a range of travel choices.

Connecting Dunedin (a partnership of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Dunedin City Council and the Otago Regional Council) has been working on the Shaping Future Dunedin Transport project to review what those options might look like. This includes how the central city transport system could change to better support developments, such as the new hospital, and enhance the central city as a place where people want to spend time.

From Monday, 15 June to Monday, 13 July public input is wanted on ideas developed so far. These include ideas to improve transport choice and safety, enhance our street environment and provide better bus, walking and cycling experiences. There are also ideas for parking and how State Highway 1 runs through the city, including whether it stays one way or changes to two way.

Jim Harland, Waka Kotahi’s Director Regional Relationships, says it’s an important time for transport. “We all have a part to play to maximise the changes coming to Dunedin to create a prosperous and vibrant city environment. The new Dunedin hospital provides a once in a life time opportunity to re-think the central city transport network.

“We want to get this right, so it’s important we hear what the community thinks of possible options being considered for the future of Dunedin’s central city transport network. This feedback is critical to ensuring the network evolves as the city changes and developments take shape,” he says.

“This is one of the most important transport projects in Dunedin for many years,” says Chair of Dunedin City Council’s Infrastructure Services Committee Jim O’Malley. “We’d like to know what people think about it and their ideas, comments and suggestions. We will be listening to all feedback and if you want your opinion to count this is the time to engage with the process.”

Otago Regional Council General Manager operations Gavin Palmer says that public transport has to be part of the solution. “We’ve worked with the team to look at how we can encourage bus use in tandem with improvements to roading, cycle ways and key walking routes. This may include upgrading key bus stops, introducing bus priority, linking in with park ‘n ride or locating bike hubs near key bus stops. All of these options present an opportunity for people to choose a mode or modes of transport that suit and enhance their lifestyle.”

Visit the interactive map to find out more about the project and share your ideas and comments(external link)

Useful links and information:

Related consultation – flat fee for Orbus

ORC is proposing a temporary ‘flat’ fare on Dunedin’s Orbus network when the Bee Card launches. Have your say on the flat fee(external link)

Consultation closes 2 July 2020.

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