COVID-19 Income Relief Payment announced


Source: New Zealand Treasury:

Minister of Finance Hon Grant Robertson today announced a new COVID-19 Income Relief Payment to support New Zealanders who have lost their job due to the impact of COVID-19.

With Hon Carmel Sepuloni, Minister for Social Development, Mr Robertson confirmed the payments of $490 a week (full-time) and $250 a week (part-time) for up to 12 weeks would be available from June 8.

The payments will be administered by Work and Income and will help people who have lost their job since March 1 while they are looking for new work or retraining.

The scheme is forecast to cost around $570 million, and will cover people that lose their jobs before the end of October. This incorporates $1.2 billion of payments offset by $635 million of saved benefit payments, with small administrative costs. This fits with the Government’s intention for COVID response spending to be targeted, temporary and timely. It will be funded from the COVID Response and Recovery Fund.

You can find more information on the payments on the Work and Income website:

Read more about the announcement on the Beehive website:

Last updated: 

Monday, 25 May 2020


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