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Source: Maritime New Zealand

Maritime NZ and Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) are pleased to announce the publication of the 2020 Good Practice Guidelines for Hydrographic Surveys in New Zealand Ports and Harbours.

The revised guideline provides advice on good practice in the commissioning, standards, and delivery of hydrographic surveys in ports and harbours. It also re-iterates the importance of high-quality and accurate hydrographic information and outlines the roles and obligations on agencies in the collection, accuracy, storage, and sharing of hydrographic information.

Maritime NZ’s Manager Regulatory Policy Liam Brennan encourages people who commission hydrographic surveys or conduct surveys themselves to read the revised guideline.

“Since 2004, when the previous guidelines were published, the maritime environment has seen significant changes,” Liam says.

“Vessels have increased in size, tools for conducting hydrographic surveys have improved and methodologies have changed significantly. The new guidelines address those changes.”

The New Zealand Hydrographic Authority, based at LINZ, is responsible for safe navigation and charts New Zealand’s surrounding sea and environs. National Hydrographer Adam Greenland says the data collected through these surveys is essential for maritime safety and has other valuable uses.

“High-quality survey data means we can produce high-quality charts, so our local and international maritime community is assured of safe navigation in and around our coastline, harbours and ports.

“Data collected during these surveys also supports decision-making around the marine environment, infrastructure development and coastal zone management”, Adam says.

The guideline review was informed by a stocktake of international best practice and current practice in New Zealand with input from stakeholders including port operators, pilots, councils, maritime industry associations, and suppliers from the hydrographic community.

Maritime NZ and LINZ thanks the individuals and agencies who submitted feedback during the development of the 2020 Good Practice Guidelines for Hydrographic Surveys in New Zealand Ports and Harbours.

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