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Source: Auckland Council

Aucklanders are invited to have their say on a series of future projects that will improve access and travel choices, connect communities and support growth in southern Auckland.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and Auckland Transport are seeking community feedback on a range of proposals for public transport, rail upgrades, road improvements, and new walking and cycling networks.

In partnership with Auckland Council, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and Auckland Transport are continuing to progress future transport projects as infrastructure will play a critical role in the economic recovery of New Zealand.

Deputy Mayor Cashmore says the $2.4 billion injection from the government’s NZ Upgrade Programme announced in January has helped bring forward some projects to unlock growth in southern Auckland.

“Projects like the Mill Road corridor from Manukau to Drury, rail upgrades and new train stations, and improvements to State Highway 1 between Papakura and Drury will provide much-needed infrastructure to assist economic recovery,” he says.

“Drury is a significant growth area and the government’s infrastructure package recognises this. It will progress the catch-up legacy work required and build in the futureproofing necessary to enable a connected development in all mobility forms.

“We recognise that the way people move around their communities and across our city needs to change. Extending public transport networks and offering travel choices is at the heart of these projects and will help us take action on climate change.

“Transport was identified as needing the most significant change in our recent Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Action Framework public consultation. These proposals have the potential to see an increase in public transport usage by 35 per cent from southern communities. That is significant.

“Through this public engagement process, it’s vital we hear from the community and property owners in these growth areas,” Mr Cashmore says.

A major step forward in transport planning

The Supporting Growth Programme, a collaboration between Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Auckland Transport, KiwiRail and mana whenua, is leading the planning process and is now identifying and protecting the land that will be needed for these future projects.

The Transport Agency’s Director of Regional Relationships, Steve Mutton says the area is an important gateway from the south to the airport and to the city centre and the Upper North Island.

“Today’s proposals are a major step forward in transport planning for southern Auckland. The south is growing fast and over the next 30 years, an additional 120,000 people are expected to live in future communities in Takaanini, Opāheke, Drury, Paerata and Pukekohe. We want to provide residents with more accessible and sustainable travel choices.

“The proposals include input from local boards, mana whenua, key stakeholders and communities, and are a great example of working together to resolve transport challenges for the future,” Mr Mutton says.

Encouraging a significant shift to public transport and active modes

Auckland Transport Chief Executive Shane Ellison says he’s delighted the proposals prioritise new public transport networks as well as road improvements to make roads safer and to ease congestion. He says community feedback will help shape these exciting projects.

“We’re working together with the community to deliver safe, innovative, and sustainable transport for southern Auckland.

“The community has already told us they’re looking for more public transport, walking and cycling connections so that’s a big part of what we’re planning.

“Your views are very important to the project. We encourage you to look at the projects online and have your say. We value your contribution and will carefully consider the feedback you provide,” says Mr Ellison.

Find out more and have your say

Create the future with us – we’re planning the future transport solutions for the south of Auckland and we need your help.

Community feedback is open from 18 May to 12 June 2020 for these projects:

Tell us what you think online at Supporting Growth or join the conversation on our Social Pinpoint page.