Source: Health Quality and Safety Commission
Teams participating in a project for the Health Quality & Safety Commission’s mental health and addiction (MHA) quality improvement programme met for a learning session in February. Each team shared their progress at the learning session for the Te ako mai i ngā pāmamaetanga me te wheako tāngata whaiora me te whānau | Learning from adverse events and consumer, family and whānau experience project.
The sessions, held in Auckland and Christchurch on 12 and 13 February respectively, were an opportunity for teams to share their progress and learn new knowledge and skills on key topic areas including:
- the Model for Improvement
- developing a theory for improvement
- how to implement changes
- planning for an action period.
The 75 attendees represented 13 district health boards (DHBs), non-government organisations, consumer advisors and the Commission.
Learning from adverse events and consumer, family and whānau experience is one of the five priority areas of the Commission’s national five-year MHA quality improvement programme.
Director of health quality intelligence, Richard Hamblin, led a robust discussion at both sessions on the project’s national aim and measures.
Project teams have been provided with a national draft driver diagram to adapt for their local setting. DHB-led project teams will focus their improvement and testing of change ideas on two of the project’s primary drivers:
- learning system
- consumer, family and whānau involved.
A working group will be established to focus on the ‘consistent processes’ primary driver and a toolkit for triaging, investigating and reporting on adverse events in MHA services will be developed.
Members of Southern DHB’s project team consider content for their driver diagram at the Christchurch learning session.
The toolkit will align with the National Adverse Events Reporting Policy 2017 and the reporting and reviewing adverse events involving users of mental health services 2012.
Participating teams will meet to share their progress at a second online learning session in May. Monthly coaching, sharing and online progress sessions have been scheduled in the meantime.
Presentations from learning session one are available below.