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Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Quarterly data for goods and services trade by country

15 May 2020

This experimental dataset combines data from two sources to produce goods and services trade by country data on a quarterly basis, starting March 2015 quarter to December 2019 quarter.

The dataset uses goods data from our overseas merchandise trade collection and services by country data sourced from our balance of payments collection.

Previously published data for services by country is only available on a year ended in quarter basis. This new experimental dataset provides more detail than the current format does. It is the first time we’re releasing quarterly services by country and combining this with quarterly goods in one downloadable CSV file available on Experimental Quarterly data for goods and services trade by country.

What you’ll see

This CSV file includes country totals, product (commodities and service types) totals, and country by product totals.

About the experimental quarterly goods and services trade by country dataset

We are exploring whether a quarterly series will provide more value to our customers than the current release. The current release is good for giving an indication of our trade with partners, but is slow to show any changes in relationships.
This experimental data is aimed at an analytical audience.

We’d like your feedback on:

  • which content you would find most useful: this experimental quarterly version or the current year ended in quarter version (for example, Goods and services trade by country: Year ended December 2019)?
  • whether you would continue to use the current goods and services trade by country, year ended in quarter releases, if we produced the quarterly form as a full and permanent release
  • if low level, high frequency data with lower implied quality would be useful for you
  • which of the following formats you would use: Excel tables, CSV files, dashboard, or any other suggestions?

Give feedback