Budget 2020: How will investment be spent in the primary sector?


Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Source: SAFE NZ

Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor announced this morning that as part of this year’s budget the Government is to invest $5.4 million over four years to improve animal welfare.
“It’s great to see the Government investing in animal welfare,” says SAFE CEO Debra Ashton. “We do have questions though about how this money is going to be spent, and how it will actually improve animal welfare.”
“The Ministry for Primary Industries has about 25 animal-welfare inspectors for 160 million animals. That’s one inspector per 6.5 million animals, which is woefully inadequate.”
“The best way to address New Zealand’s increasing animal-welfare problems is to remove animal welfare from the primary industries portfolio and establish an independent body for animals.”
The budget also included a $45.3 million investment in the horticulture sector, including vocational training.
“Horticulture should be our number one growth sector, so we’re pleased to see the Government invest in this area.”
“We’d also like to see the Government provide education and training to support farmers to transition to plant-based industries such as horticulture.”  


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