Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard
TUESDAY, 12 MAY 2020
The Speaker took the Chair at 2 p.m.
Hon CHRIS HIPKINS (Leader of the House): I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. I thought it might be useful, following discussions across the House, for me to update the House on the Government’s plans for the rest of this sitting day. The Government intends to follow the Order Paper, therefore, item number one, which is the second reading of the COVID-19 Response (Further Management Measures) Legislation Bill first up after question time, we will then move urgency to pass through all stages the COVID-19 Public Health Response Bill that has just been introduced and the remaining stages then following that of the further management measures bill. So that’s the ordering sequence that we’ve agreed for this afternoon and this evening’s sitting session.
Hon GERRY BROWNLEE (National—Ilam): I thank the Leader of the House for that indication. Earlier in the day there was some discussion about the Cabinet advice or ministerial advice on the second bill that you’re proposing to pass through urgency today being provided to the Opposition. I’m just wondering what the progress might be of that arrangement.
Hon DAVID PARKER (Attorney-General): I’ll make an inquiry during question time and get further feedback on that—it should be coming.