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Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

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  • COVID-19 Student Update 6 May 2020

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Kia ora koutou

We hope that you have been able to manage a workable study – home life balance whilst in your bubble during Alert Level 3.  Thank you for continuing your learning journey with EIT during COVID-19.

On Thursday this week, we will hear from Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern about the plans for what we will be able to do during Alert Level 2 in New Zealand.  On Monday, May 11 we will hear from her regarding the timing of our next change in Alert Levels.  We anticipate that there will be 48 hours’ notice provided to EIT for the final preparation of further opening of our campuses and learning centres. 

Please do not come onto campus until you have been notified by your EIT School or Programme Coordinator. 

EIT has been planning and preparing our learning spaces for the change in Alert Levels and what this will mean for teaching and learning.  In line with the Government advice we are planning for students and staff to continue to study and work from home, as much as possible.  This means that unless there is an absolute requirement for students to be on campus to meet their course learning outcomes, we expect distance learning to continue.

In preparation for the next phase we have:

  • Deep cleaned and fogged (sanitised using a fogging mist) the campuses and regional learning centres.
  • Placed sanitiser at all receptions, kitchenettes, computer lab/hubs.
  • Placed distancing tape at receptions.
  • Increased campus cleaning to include day time rotational cleaning focusing on high touch points, as well as status signs in bathrooms.  Paper towels have been installed in bathrooms.
  • If you did not use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) before COVID-19, you don’t need it now. For example, gloves, masks or screens for additional protection while working are not needed.

Please wait to hear from your Programme Coordinator before returning to your learning space.

If you have any queries, please email

Ōtātara Bookshop
The Ōtātara Bookshop is open (part time) under Alert L3 for textbook orders delivered by courier, or to be collected by pre-arranged contactless pickup. Stationery may be purchased also.  Orders are being processed and dispatched on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10 am.  Emails should be sent specifying purchase requirements and payment details to the (phone 06 9748909).

Thank you for your ongoing support in these difficult times. 

He waka eke noa – We are all in this together.