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Source: Media Outreach

About Pulse

Pulse by Prudential is a digital health app and the first of its kind in the region to offer holistic health management to consumers. Using AI-powered self-help tools and real-time information, the app serves as a 24/7 health and wellness partner to users, helping them prevent, postpone, and protect against the onset of diseases. Pulse is part of Prudential’s region-wide strategy to provide affordable and accessible healthcare to everyone across Asia by leveraging digital technologies and best-in-class partnerships. 

Following the regional launch of Pulse in Malaysia in August 2019, Pulse will be available in a total of 11 markets across the region supported by a growing suite of value-add services such as a symptom checker and health assessment, personal wellness services, as well as video consultations.

Since launch, Pulse has over 3 million downloads. Pulse is currently available on the Apple and Google Play stores in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

For more information, and to download Pulse, log onto

About Prudential Corporation Asia

Prudential Corporation Asia is a business unit of Prudential plc (United Kingdom)*, comprising its life insurance operations in Asia and its asset management business, Eastspring Investments. It is headquartered in Hong Kong.

Prudential is a leading life insurer with operations spanning 13 markets in Asia, covering Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. Through a robust multi-channel distribution platform, Prudential provides a comprehensive range of savings, investment and protection products to meet the diverse needs of Asian families.

Eastspring Investments manages investments across Asia on behalf of a wide range of retail and institutional investors. It is a leading Asia-based asset manager with on-the-ground presence in 11 major Asian markets as well as distribution offices in North America and Europe. It has over US$241 billion in assets under management (as at 31 December 2019), managing funds across a range of asset classes including equities and fixed income.

*Prudential plc is not affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc. of the United States or with the Prudential Assurance Company, a subsidiary of M&G plc, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom.

Prudential plc is listed on the stock exchanges of London (PRU.L), Hong Kong (2378.HK), Singapore (K6S.SG) and New York (PUK.N).

About HR Easily Private Limited
Established in 2015 in Singapore, HReasily is a leading HR Tech company in Asia intent on delivering the best-in-class HR platform.

HReasily understands that as businesses grow, human resource management becomes increasingly complex. At HReasily, we focus on the only resource that matters, people, and making every day better for them. We provide solutions that improve the day-to-day running of businesses, by automating business processes such as Payroll, Staff Management, Claims, Leave, Time & Attendance and Scheduling. There are currently over 50,000 SMEs on the HReasily platform across Asia.
– Published and distributed with permission of