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Source: Taxpayers Union

Phil Twyford can’t read Robertson’s song sheet – makes appalling U-turn on rates freeze position
The Taxpayers’ Union is appalled at reported comments by Phil Twyford which appear to contradict Finance Minister Grant Robertson’s stated position earlier in the month that now is not the time for local councils to increase rates.Twyford’s comments, apparently made on a conference call with Waikato’s Mayors, suggest the Economic Development Minister is not aware that rates are one of the most destructive forms of tax as they apply no matter the ratepayer’s ability to pay.Responding to the comments, Taxpayers’ Union spokesman Jordan Williams said “This appears to be another example of a Government MPs making out of touch comments on a conference call. It defies reality that at a time of economic crisis the Government’s position has changed to increase the tax burden on local communities.”“Over the last three decades, local government’s revenue has increased at more than three times the level of inflation. The idea that one-off, zero percent cap, at a time when most households and businesses are making far greater sacrifices, suggests Mr Twyford doesn’t have his head around the economic situation.”“Once again Grant Robertson is demonstrating that he is the adult in the room. We can only repeat his comments to the COVID-19 Select Committee earlier in the month: that he wouldn’t expect councils to be increasing rates in the current environment.”New Zealanders can add their name to the petition calling for for a nation-wide rates freeze at