Covid-19 Update for students 16 April 2020


Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

23 seconds ago

We hope you had a lovely Easter break and managed to disconnect from study. We have some updates for you.

Planning for changes in Alert Levels

You may have seen Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s announcement today on what Alert Level 3 will look like. A second announcement on Monday 20 April has also been signalled about dates coming out of lockdown. We expect this announcement will be available on the Ministry of Health Website here.

EIT’s Incident Control team has commenced planning for what the next levels might look like for d your learning and our campuses and regional learning centres. We will share this with you as soon as we can.

EIT will advise you by email or text when you are able to return to campus.

Please don’t return until you are advised.  It is likely to be different for each programme due to the physical distancing requirements. Please be assured that physical distancing and cleaning measures will be in place on your return.

Support package for tertiary students

The Government has provided a support package to financially assist domestic tertiary students whose study has been affected by Covid-19.

Read more from the Ministry of Education here and updated StudyLink advice here.

Update on Hawke’s Bay Campus COVID-19 case

Last week we let you know that we had a confirmed case in our EIT Community. Here is an update on that:

  • There were 23 people in total identified as close or casual contacts at EIT Hawke’s Bay. All contacts were contacted by the public health team at the HBDHB later that afternoon on the 8th of April.   5 of the 23 contacts reported having symptoms and underwent testing.  Test results for all 5 people were negative for COVID-19.
  • For all others that were not identified as a contact, the advice was and continues to be, for anyone who was at the EIT Hawke’s Bay Campus 23 and 24 March, during working hours, and has been unwell with a cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, a runny nose or loss of smell should contact their GP or Healthline so an appointment can be made for them to be assessed at a community-based assessment centre.
  • Following this advice, a couple of other people underwent testing. Their test results were also negative.
  • There has been no further spread from the initial case.
  • EIT’s Incident Control Team have reflected on this case, and have some key learnings

(1) All suspected and confirmed cases must be reported to members of EIT’s Incident Control Team, Dick Hilton or Hannah Portas immediately. Dick Hilton (027 233 3344) or Hannah Portas (027 200 8393).  

(2) The lead agency for dealing with these matters is the Ministry of Health. For that reason, we are guided by them, their processes, and what information we can share with you.

Please continue to send your questions through to

Thank you for your continued efforts and understanding over this time. It is challenging, but everyone is doing their best, and we really appreciate it.

He waka eke noa – We are all in this together.


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