Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti
15 mins ago
Hilton Collier, Chair of the subsidiary EIT Board
NZIST has appointed Kim Ngārimu (NZIST Council) and Tracy Johnston (NMIT Board) as Directors on EIT’s subsidiary board.
Every subsidiary Institute of Technology (ITP) has its own subsidiary board made up of at least one NZIST Council member. Some of the subsidiary boards also have one ‘cross-Board appointee’. The rationale behind it is to further drive the shift from competition to operating as one regionally accessible network of provision.
Former EIT Council member, Kim Ngārimu, was the Deputy Chair of the NZIST Establishment Board and is now continuing as Deputy Chair of NZIST Council.
Kim has extensive experience at senior levels in the public sector having previously served as a Deputy Secretary of Te Puni Kōkiri and Acting CEO of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, following a successful career at senior management levels in other parts of the public sector, including that of the Office of the Auditor-General.
In recent years Kim has undertaken wide-ranging governance roles through her appointments to a number of significant boards. These include that of the EIT Council, the Hauora Tairāwhiti Board (chair), the Capital and Coast District Health Board, the Medical Council of New Zealand, Heritage NZ, the Crown Forestry Rental Trust and the Waitangi Tribunal. Kim is of Ngāti Porou descent, has four children and lives in Tairāwhiti.
Tracy Johnston is a Marlborough-based businesswoman and tourism consultant, working in New Zealand and abroad. Tracy is a qualified marketer and organisation change manager with more than 25 years’ experience working in the tourism sector. She is a member of the Institute of Directors and has served on the Council of Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology as a Government Appointee and on several not-for-profit trusts over the past 10 years.
The other Board members are Hilton Collier – Chair (Ngāti Porou, Tairāwhiti), Chrissie Hape – Deputy Chair (Ngāti Kahungunu, Hawke’s Bay), Geraldine Travers (Hawke’s Bay) and Ross McKelvie (Hawke’s Bay).
EIT Board Chair Hilton Collier says, “We have a strong presence in this region from Dannevirke all the way to East Cape, and I look forward to seeing EIT continue to flourish and maintain its connection and relevance to our region as a well-regarded institute.”
“I am passionate about meeting the needs of our current generation of learners and future generations to come. By providing training in work alongside training for work, and equipping our workforce for new industries, we can generate huge social and economic benefits for the Hawkes Bay and East Coast regions.”
The new EIT Board has its inaugural meeting on 3 April, with this first meeting largely focused on the enacting of technical and legal requirements around the new structures.