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Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health

For the sixth consecutive day, there are no additional confirmed or probable cases of COVID-19 in New Zealand.

Our case numbers remain unchanged. New Zealand has five confirmed cases based on positive test results and two probable cases. The two patients who had been in hospital – one confirmed case and one probable case, have both been discharged home and are recovering at home with daily checks by health staff.

All 252 close contacts of the confirmed cases in self isolation are being monitored daily by health staff.

We have been acting and planning as if it would be a pandemic for some weeks and now we continue to plan and respond at pace.  The World Health Organization emphasises that countries should continue to plan to respond aggressively to this pandemic situation.

“I’d like to remind people to ring Healthline on the dedicated COVID-19 number: 0800 358 5453 or ring ahead to their General Practice if they are feeling unwell, and they’ll be advised what to do.” says Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield.

Healthline continues to be busy but coping with double the usual number of calls and continues to ensure it has the resources to manage.

Planning is underway for scaling up the country’s ability to contact trace individuals exposed to others with COVID-19.  These measures remain critical to limit the risk of spread.

Aged Care facilities, which care for our oldest and most vulnerable New Zealanders, have been advised to ramp up their communications with visiting friends and relatives to warn anyone sick with coughs, colds or flu to stay away. 

“Our key advice, which is fundamental to our response, is not putting yourself or others at risk if you are unwell. This means not going to work or going to places where there are other people if you are sick. All of us have a role to play in stopping further spread. I need to emphasise how critical this is as New Zealand responds to COVID-19,” says Dr  Bloomfield.

‘This is particularly important for concerts and other large gatherings we have coming up, including this weekend. Please stay home if you’re unwell.’


As at 8.00am, across the laboratories in Auckland, Christchurch and ESR, we have:

  • 5 confirmed cases
  • 2 probable cases
  • 379 negative tests
  • There remain a number of tests underway today.

Healthline & Self-isolation 

Healthline continues to manage a larger than usual number of calls and are running at more than double the usual number of calls compared to the same time last year.

Healthline continues to scale up to meet demand.  It has trained nearly 150 additional staff to manage calls and brought in more nurses and clinical capacity from the ambulance service and Plunketline. 

As of yesterday, there are 3,038 registered (people or households) and currently in isolation. 

6,362 have completed isolation.  There have been 10,100 total registrations.

“I want to again thank everyone who has self-isolated – whether that be confirmed cases, close contacts or those who’ve returned from overseas. Self-isolation remains one of the most important tools in the fight against COVID-19,” says Dr Bloomfield.