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Source: Auckland Council

As Aucklanders continue to smash water consumption records, Watercare, the Auckland Council arm responsible for the city’s water supply, is asking residents to be mindful of their water use, particularly on hot days.

A drier than usual summer is seeing pressure come on water supplies. Simple self- imposed steps of four-minute showers, avoiding running taps when brushing teeth or shaving and washing full loads of laundry where possible to conserve water, are being asked of urban dwellers.

The rural areas of Auckland are under stress and many residents reliant on rainwater tanks for their water supply are waiting weeks to have them refilled. 

“Auckland Council is aware of the water supply challenges that rural communities are facing. We sincerely appreciate the support being shown by neighbours, family and friends who are opening up their homes to help others. This is the rural spirit,” says Deputy Mayor Bill Cashmore.

“We are looking at additional ways in which we can support these communities. Work is already underway to find practical ways we can assist.”

“As one of the biggest users of Watercare’s urban water supply, we acknowledge we have an important part to play in reducing our own water consumption here in the council family.”

Auckland Council’s network of pools, parks, community buildings and maintenance requirements are being assessed with the view to non-essential work, requiring water, to be deferred or scaled back.

Some essential irrigation may still need to be undertaken in order to protect the council’s investment and where possible non-potable water supplies will be used to reduce the drain on water volumes and frequency.